Important Notice

Ibcs has been re-branded to CLARITY CORE and has moved to:


Oops! You’ve entered an address for the old ibcs Cloud, which is no longer in use. Please instead visit the new Cloud at and log in as normal.

If you’ve not previously accessed CLARITY CORE via the new address you will need to make sure that you have a recent version of Citrix installed on your PC (Citrix Workspace rather than Citrix Receiver).

The latest Windows version of Workspace can be found here:

You may need to consult your IT provider for them to allow it to be installed.


Problem accessing the new cloud?

Any issues with launching CLARITY CORE via the new address (once you’re using Workspace), are likely to be due to your organisation’s Firewall or Proxy restrictions. If you do find that you’re unable to launch CLARITY CORE, ask your IT provider to “Enter a proxy or firewall rule that allows Citrix communication via port 443 to”  , but please do also feel free to contact the CLARITY CORE helpdesk via  or by calling 0330 223 11 55 if you need further help or advice.